Self care as a mom, is that even possible?

Absolutely. Not only is it possible but crucial for the overall well being of your whole family.

As the mother, you are the backbone of your home, you can´t afford to break it.

And if you are sick and tired of people telling you things like “Just sleep when the baby sleeps” or “Just take time for yourself more” without them having ANY idea how impossible those things seem sometimes - you came to the absolute right place.

You don´t need unsolicited advice.

You need a strategy.

And you need a woman friend who understands what you are going through and who holds you accountable throughout your whole process of finding that YOU in you again.

You need a step-by-step plan to get you out of feeling overwhelmed and you need uncomplicated, calm work tools to lay your eyes on. You need the beauty of little daily rituals rather than another task on your to do list. And you need someone who believes in you.

Instead of feeling bad for taking other people ´s time, you need some one who would LOVE to help you out because it doesn’t even feel like work for her.

And say no more, I got you covered.

Self Care Strategy


Come away with a clear self care strategy that helps you reconnect with your passions and unlearn the narrative that you have to sacrifice yourself in order to be a good mom. Together we build a profound plan that seamlessly pieces together the various facets of wellness according to your needs and to make it easy for you to organize yourself.


Detailed analysis of your current situation and what is actually holding you back

Identification work - visions, role models, identifying your needs

Mama mindset - a strategy to break limiting self care believes

A personalized step by step plan + organisational support

Analysis of your menstrual cycle & a roadmap for managing each of your cycle phase

A tailored guide for building your own support system

Guidance of how to set healthy boundaries in pregnancy, birth, motherhood, work, family and beyond

1.111 EUR

3 months timeline

What´s included?

  • 6 X 90 - minute coaching calls

  • E-mail support between sessions

  • Esthetic work book


  • 1 Tagescoaching via Whats App voice messages

  • Goodie Bag with self care essentials

woman relaxing in bath tub


Mamãe, I know how it feels like to do it all alone

To feel completely lost and overwhelmed, to deal with divorce and co-parenting struggles. I know how it feels when mom guilt hits the minute you take time for yourself. I know how it feels to lose friends when you need them the most. And I know how hard it can be to set boundaries in pregnancy, birth, motherhood and in general.

And then they tell you to find your village - but there is absolutely no one in sight? Friends and family are suddenly busy or only want to enjoy the funny and easy parts of your children. The other moms you see in your neighborhood seem to not even be able to smile at you let alone say “hi”?

And you feel like an alien between all those other moms at the playground wondering if they all have it all together as they seem so connected and apparently not in need for yet another mom friend?

Oh yes. I have been there too. But I also learned to overcome all this.

And that´ s why we´ll do it differently. Because you are awsome and special. Period.

Get free recources here

Get free recources here

Let’s elevate your self care mindset to reconnect with yourself.

AND let´ s provide you with a solid plan that helps you organise your me-time, build your support system and implement overall well being into your busy day.

  • Sticking to your rituals is like receiving a love letter from yourself every day

    —Mamãe Cafuné

  • "Fusce dapibus at ex eu imperdiet. Nunc mollis venenatis cursus. Ut consequat nunc quis porttitor placerat. Proin in ullamcorper neque"

    — Dream Client

  • "Nam consequat eu orci eu condimentum. Nulla turpis purus, blandit eu fringilla a, rhoncus ut ante."

    — Dream Client