
means “Mother” in Portuguese & Cafuné something like “running your fingers through a loved ones hair”

I chose this name because I truly believe that if mothers would receive more support, the world would be a better place. Being a mom requires us to constantly care for others while trying to heal from our own wounds, making an income and maintaining our own sanity. And that’s a lot.

Mothers need more “cafuné” on a daily basis. This is the place for you to relax, unwind and receive, Mamãe.

And I do not only aim to inspire and guide you - I am doing it WITH you. I truly practice what I preach and everything I tell you, I tell myself as well. Because I am a mother, just like you. And I want to remind you that we are also so much more than mothers: We are women, honey.

Le´ts take care of ourselves


Mothering the Mother

Aware of her worth, Linda radiates an authentic expression of confidence. Her way of mothering herself and others is captivating; inspiring other women with her calm and creative approach to (single) motherhood.

Through her ability to spot the beauty in the mundane, her sense of calm and style is a ray of hope  amongst the ordinary, natural mess in the hardships of raising kids as a modern day mom.

Seeking quality in her souroundings, she holds herself and other moms to high standards that don´t necessarily have to do with money but with the ability to keep an open heart and to stay soft when life gets tough.

She is filled with a passion for motherhood, music and midwifery that emit a pure and positive energy. She carries the weight of responsibility with gratefullnes and a gentle poise.

Gazing up at the stars, her work and ideas symbolize the night sky -a calming moon and a galaxy of possibilities for women, regardless of their circumstances.

Olá, I am Linda

Everything I have learned about self care in motherhood, about pregnancy, birth and postpartum as well as life as a single mother - I deeply feel I want to teach you as well.

I wish I had a mentor for those things who is able to break down those steps for me and walks this path together. This is how Mamãe Cafuné was born.

In order to take care of our well being, we have to support each other.

So let´ s do it.


Summer evenings


The smell of freshly washed linen


Elegant maternity fashion


The scent of incoming summer rain


Pregnancy was definitely the beginning of self love for me.

I needed to grow another human growing inside of me to realize that I have to take excellent care for myself first. Soon after the birth of my son, I found myself in the trenches of becoming a divorced, single, working mom in the middle of a pandemic. My biggest goal was to not let those incredibly challenging circumstances ruin the most beautiful time with my little one. And this was the birth of self love for me and I took it seriously.

I began to prioritize my physical, mental and overall health including all facets of self care and I feel like I owe to you Mamães, to teach you what I learned and also to give you a short cut so you can just enjoy motherhood, regardless of your situation.

I am a musician, mom postpartum Doula & midwife student and teach self care to other whole hearted women.

I used my background as a classical violinist, I remembered how to block out all distractions, ground myself & stay calm

When everything around me seemed to fall apart

Simple routines

Through trial and error, I figured out how to establish simple everyday wellness routines while taking care of a baby. I learned how to let go of perfection and clutter without losing my sense of style & esthetics.

I educated myself on the many facets of selfcare and learned that healing is not always pretty. And I forced myself into proactivity when it came to making mom friends and build a circle of family-like friends that happily support me & my child.

Deep Analysis

I figured out how to analyze my specific symptoms of chronic pain issues, how they were connected to constant survival mode and how to solve it. I learned to accept the fact that real friends are rare but precious. I tought myself to respond instead of react to criticism and unsolicited advice.

I started analysing myself & what makes me happy, tracking my menstrual cycle and adjusting my productivity and momming around it. I tought myself to set boundaries especially within my own family.

And most importantly, I tought myself how to ask for any kind of help help and to accept it without shame and guilt.

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Let’s elevate your self care mindset to reconnect with yourself.

AND letś provide you with a solid plan that helps you organise your me-time, build your support system and implement overall well being into your busy day.

Le Journal