how to manage your period as a mom


Ever felt overwhelmed as a mom when your period forces you down, when it´s actually claiming its rest but you have to keep functioning and running behind your kids?

Here are 5 ways to manage your period as a mom


Save your children ´s screen time for your first 1-2 days of your menstruation. Or if they are older and more used to daily screen time, allow them extra minutes or movies as they being occupied will allow you to rest more. Lay down with them, they might even love cuddling with you, depending on their age. And if not, good for you, go ahead and enjoy your precious minutes of solitude.


Meal-prep ahead. Just like you would prepare your fridge and freezer for postpartum. Make sure to have at least enough meals ready for your first days of heavy bleeding and stock them in the freezer. Proper nutrition is crucial during your menstruation and as you naturally have less power and patience during your first days of bleeding, avoid stress and unhealthy food emergency choices.


Avoid grocery shopping and major social events. Try to get as much shopping done during the days before your period. As mothers, we can’t fully retreat during menstruation but we can try to block the first 2 days and organize exhausting extra tasks around our period. Every thing you DON´T need to do during your menstruation counts!


Pamper yourself. Prepare a little basket with special goodies only for yourself and keep it out of reach from your children. Fill it with things that give you comfort such as body oils, a hot water bottle, a journal or book you would like to read during your period and snacks for your special time of the month. I personally love the “Love & Peace” candle by Babybox and Family. It’s a special candle made for postpartum mothers with rose christals and lavender. Originally this candle was designed for bringing peace to postpartum mothers but as postpartum is forever, I love to use it during my period. It somehow gives me a sense of celebration of appreciating my body every month.


Go inwards. If you can spare 30 minutes, cuddle up in a blanket and nap without distractions. Pay attention to your thoughts you may have more access to your inside during your period. It can help you realizing what you are missing and what you may wanna change in your life. I personally get a lot of answers to my inner questions when I am on my period. Maybe that is just because, I finally take the time to sit with myself and allow myself to listen to my heart. Remember, your period is the beginning of a new cycle and therefor a new chance to start all over again.


Some people say, every menstruation is like a little birth. So I like to prepare for my period just like as I prepared myself for the birth of my child. I eat special meals that are also recommended for postpartum healing. And my favorite part of my menstruation is that I cherish the memories of my son´ s birth by looking at photos and adding something into his childhood journal.

I take a bath and remember what my body has done when making and birthing this wonderful little human being.

Remember, we can’t stop the world from turning when we menstruate. But we can slow down ourselves a little.




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