Mamãe Cafuné

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How society is glorifying maternal exhaustion & a solution

From glossy magazine covers showing celebretie´s seemingly  perfect postpartum bodies that have “bounced back” in no time to a huge lack of support systems for mothers leaves women isolated in the believe that they have to do it all alone and if motherhood does not come easy and only full of joy, they are failing as a woman.

It is leaving women unprepared for the challenges and complexeties they may encounter when becoming a mom.

In our society, mothers are not receiving the support they need to make a complete transition to motherhood. Extended families are often distant, communities seem hard to really stick together and governmental support structures are complicated and often fail to provide comprehensive and fair support.

Therfore mothers feel isolated and overwhelmed, asking for help doesn´t even seem like an option and the unexpected difficulties make them feel like something is wrong with them as they can´t enjoy motherhood as how this very society expect them to.

Severe emotional, mental and physical challenges are the result many mothers face because they seem to not even be allowed to take time for their own wellbeing.


We have lost the connection to nature around us and within us. As we are told to hustle and always being strong, we unlearned to take time to listen to our bodies, our intuition and our needs.

We negleject our female cycle because it seems we don´t have time to slow down. We do believe we have to manage it all by ourselves because others seem to do too and if we don´t we are not good enough and something is wrong with us.

We are overwhelmed by the emotional toll pregnancy, losing a pregnancy, birth, postpartum and raising litttle ones does to us. Because we rather feel critized and often juged more than feeling safe and supported. We feel left alone because we are.

Mamãe, the thing is, us women are simply not designed to do it alone. We used to live in tribes and villages for a reason. Anchestral knowledge about menstruation, pregnancy, birth and anything beyond was passed on through generations of women. Supporting each other was normal.

Our reality is what´s not normal. And the only way to change it, is to build your own support system. And though it may feel like another overwhelming task, let me asure you - it is crucial for your and your family´s well being. Because without support, no mother and no woman can really do it all.

It is time to unplug & unlearn

From now on, we won´t do it all anymore. We will do a lot and that´s also beautiful but we won´t do everything at once anymore.

Women are build to live in cycles that means we have different powers and energy levels at different times of the months and when we start using our body as natural guides, we can easily organize our life around it needs.

A woman´s superpower comes from reinventing herself over and over again. There are times for giving and thriving and there are times for slowing down and going inwards. If a woman knows how to use these energies wisely, she finally will understand that there is no point in suffering from constantly trying to fulfill unrealistic and impossible expactations and she will finally prioritize her wellbeing and peace.

Because that´s what society forgets: A happy, healthy, nourished and balanced woman is what is best for her children. And for her family, her work - for society.

